Dynamic web site tools for Standard ML

This project has been superceded by Ur/Web. All of the information here is outdated.

(This project needs a real name.)

This project collects together the tools to enable development of dynamic web sites in the straightforward style of PHP and similar languages, but based around the Standard ML programming language and static checking. Current offerings include:

  • A complete system for creating web sites from SML source files and simple page templates that interact with SML modules.
  • Common signatures and tools for interfaces to SQL databases, as well as some implementations for particular database servers and clients.

  • Current versions require version 110.49+ of Standard ML of New Jersey on a POSIX system.

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  • Adam Chlipala

  • Where is it being used now?

  • The Internet Hosting Cooperative internal bookeeping site
  • The Teen Programmers Unite web site engine
  • The Relational Wiki project (including the prototype alpha release pldb.net site)

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